#orchardpeople #fruittreecare

And if you are ready to learn how to care for fruit trees with Susan Poizner read on!

🌳 Learn specialist fruit tree pruning, pest and disease management, young tree care and more in one of Orchard People’s premium online courses: https://learn.orchardpeople.com/

🍐 For monthly fruit tree care content updates sign up for Orchard People’s free monthly newsletter and to receive a free 11-page eBook “Growing Fruit Trees That Thrive” visit:

🍎 For more videos, eBooks and podcasts about fruit tree care, visit https://orchardpeople.com/.

Orchard People has made fruit tree care easier for thousands of home growers, gardeners and arborists in North America and beyond since 2013.

Visit our website for more in depth information on fruit tree care and maintenance!